Now that the holiday period is over it is time to move forward with collecting information on crimes against children across the UK. This will require the help of all those in this country to bring together the details of crimes against children from every area in order for us to devise the best possible plan to tackle this vile abuse of innocent young children.
One major obsticle is the police and social services do not want the truth to be given to the public so it is up to all of us to gather this information and work closely to make sure we deliver the best possible solutions to protect children from abuse, and to work on cases which have been ignored by the police and child services to bring those who harm children to justice and give the victims all the help they need to come to terms with what has happened to them.
I know it will not be easy, but with the help of all the people out there who do not want child abuse to continue we will continue to press MP's and police to stop hidding the truth and give us the information we need to help parents and others to protect children from harm.
The details of how to contact us is on the website at
I look forward to working with many people this year and for many years to come to bring safety to our children and to bring those who abuse children to justice.