Monday, 29 June 2009

Another day another shamefull case. Moray council were crusified last October by the HM Inspectorate for it's failings in child protection. It failed in 18 of the most important areas. The inspectors talked about the colusion between social workers and police to cover up child abuse, and to cover up their mistakes, but instead of any of these people being sacked, not one has lost their job, or been charged with any offence, what in gods name is wrong with this country when we allow these over paid under trained idiots to be in charge of such a vital role as child care, and what about the police officers involved, let me tell you from personal experience, this sort of vile cover up does go on and is still going on particularly by Grampian Police, even though the HMI have very conveniently given Moray council a pat on the back and said they have put their house in order within a couple of months, like hell they have. I can prove they have not, and that they are guilty of covering up child abuse between Grampian Police and Moray Social Services, along with the help of the childrens panel, and other agencies.

My own son told me of photos being taken of him by my ex partner's current partner, with his clothes off and his clothes on. Like any responsible parent, i reported this to the police, but, because the person has a member of his family working within the family protection division in our area i called Scotland Yard child protection services for advice. They were fantastic, and the officer could not have been more helpfull. He contacted the chief constable of Grampian police and insisted that the case was not to be given to Elgin police. The same night as i spoke to him, i got a call from Elgin police saying they had been informed that i wished to make a complaint of sexual abuse having taken place against my son.

I was furious that they had been told, as it would be very easy for his reletive to warn him in order to destroy evidence, thus making my 4 year old son out to be a liar. This started in January 2006, since then my son has been battered black and blue for telling me what has happened to him, yet the police, social services and the courts have ignored everything he has told us, as well as ignoring evidence, they have turned it into claiming that i made him say all these things, even when experts have said that a child of his age could not make this up, and one who spoke with him made it clear that he is telling the truth, but the court didn't want to know.

When my son was interviewed by police for the horrific bruises on his body, including his spine, the police officer told me that they were taking the matter to stage 2, which is they were going to interview the mother and her partner under caution. Subsequent to this, i have found out that the social worker present, whom i have had many an argument with over her incompitent handling of my son's case claimed that she did not hear anything during the interview which caused her any alarm at all, yet the police went to interview the mother and her partner because of what my son had disclosed during interview, if that is not incompitence by a senior social worker then what on earth is? or was it simply a case of no matter what my son says, they are going to carry on with the totally stupid plan of keeping an abused child with the abusers and work with them, and to hell with the safety of the child. These people need to be locked up away from children, not protected by bloody ignorant arrogant lying social workers and police officers who think they are above the law.

It will take some time to tell everything that has happened over the past 3 and a bit years, but so far the lying child abusing animal that calls herself my son's mother, and her partner are being allowed to carry on abusing my son, while i am banned from seeing him because i have never waived from my son's original statement that he is being hit by his mother and her partner, and her partner took pornographic photos of him when he was only 4 years old, the social workers know it, as do the police. One thing is certain, i am never giving up on my son, hell will freeze over before i ever think of giving up, he is the most wonderful little boy any father could wish for, and they are destroying him on purpose because he told me what was happening to him at the hands of his mother and her partner.

Sunday, 28 June 2009

I want people to look around and see what is going on around them. There is child abuse going on everywhere in britain, but the government do nothing to stop it. I will go into some of the reasons as i continue my blog, but for now, ask yourself this question, why are we not being told that there are more and more sex offenders being released from court instead of being jailed, and why are certain people in positions of power, such as judges being given community service when they are caught with pictures of innocent children and babies being abused.

My main area is child abuse, i have more than 20 years fighting a corrupt system that not only allows child abuse to go on, but it encourages it as a means of control. It would take to long to explain in one session what i mean, so i will keep this short for now. I am looking for volunteers to help with a number of major events we are planning which will open peoples eyes to the extent of child abuse in britain.

The first event is a sky dive using helium filled balloons to get me up to over 20,000 feet then i release the baloons and hopfully come down safely by parachute. The reason for this is to help raise funds to build the first childrens care village which has all amenities, including swiming pool, school, therapy centre, and each child will have their own log cabin style home to live in, with their personal carer. It is a masive project to build a care village, but i believe it is the best way to show children that they are not forgotten, and that help is out there for them. With your help we can make this a reality, please let me know if you can help us to help them. Thank you.