Ladies and gentlemen, in this country we have an epidemic so vast that it is growing faster than any other known problem, what is it? I hear you ask, the answer is child abuse. We are currently looking at the best way to inform the public of the tragic situation in this country, and to ask them for their help without frightening anyone, the problem is, the figures are so frightening there is no other way to do it but to be up front and honest about the scale of the problem.
We are working on a fundraising project which we would ask as many of you as possible to support, and it will only cost £1.00, that’s right, just £1.00, and you can help us to put an end to the suffering of innocent children right now. How can a pound make a difference? Simple, we are going to release one million three hundred thousand helium filled balloons, which represents the number of victims currently in England and Wales at the moment, these figures are from statistics drawn up by government, and other agencies, but the government do not want the figures released because of the possible backlash from the public).
It will take place in 3 stages, and is a race with prizes for the sponsor’s of the first 3 balloons to reach the furthest within a 7 day period. It may well be that there are more than the figure stated, as we want to add the number of victims in Scotland as well, the problem is the government do not want to release the figures, so it makes our job very difficult, we can only go by other groups figures which many believe are only a fraction of the true number of victims of sexual, physical and emotional abuse being inflicted on them almost every day of their young lives.
We want to split the release between Scotland England and Wales, if we can get permission, and the figures , we would like to include Ireland as well, as we know there are children being abused across the whole of the UK and Ireland, but for now we are looking at releasing an equal amount of balloons from each area at the same time, and to let people understand why only a pound will help us to save these children, it is because we are selling the balloons for £1.00 each, and if any company wishes to sponsor extra large balloons with their name on them, we will be very happy to do so for a donation of £10.00 per balloon. Our goal is to raise at least £1.5 million through this event, which will help cover the cost of a free counselling helpline for victims, which will be open 24hrs a day 365 days of the year. We have other projects in mind which will allow us to bring in the funding we desperately need, and we will keep everyone informed. Anyone who wishes to volunteer to help with any of the events will be very welcome.
The balloon event should take place before Christmas, but this will depend on the generosity of the public by means of how quickly we can sell the number of balloons needed, and of companies sponsoring as many balloons as possible to help us reach our target, as well as getting a date that allows as many people as possible to attend each area event.
The prizes for the first three will all hopefully be donated by companies across the country, in return for which, we will give them our heartfelt thanks, and will give them an advert on the website for one year.
With very best wishes